A FREE workshop that gets youth writing and sharing their stories. Lead by Joey from the MMYC, youth will start crafting short stories, generate ideas quickly with micro-fiction, and explore their authentic voice through writing. This workshop as a collaboration between the Almonte Readers and Writers and Mississippi Mills Youth Centre (MMYC) is offered completely FREE!

Where and when: At the Mississippi Mills Youth Centre on July 11th and 18th from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.

For more information, email Joey at projectcoordinator@mmyc.ca. To REGISTER, visit: https://www.almontereadersandwriters.org/

Awesome community initiative! Spread the word – let’s create poppies! For more information and details (instructions), please email Mary at mary@interlinkx.com

News from the Elizabeth Kelly Foundation! Read the Spring/summer 2024 newsletter (download)

News includes information on the Lanark County-wide Library STEM program, how the Foundation supports High Schools in Lanark County with the High School Bursary for students going on to college and university, info about the Foundation itself, and more…

“The Mississippi Mills Film Society finished its first year on a high note with a donation of $1,200.00 to the Mississippi Mills Public Library. Librarian Berta Madrigal Abaroas expressed gratitude for this funding which will go toward children’s programming in both Almonte and Pakenham, a fitting tribute to the fact that the films were shown at the United Church in Pakenham.

On hand for the presentation were: Wanda MacDonald, Dale Dunning, Marny McCook, Librarian Berta Madrigal Abaroas, Elizabeth Dunning and Heather Loube. Confident that there is audience appreciation for this series, the steering committee is already preparing for next fall. Get the popcorn ready! More good films will be on their way!” (this story was published in the Millstone News)

Thank you so much MM Film Society organizers & members!